Roman Intervention and Antiochus IV’s Reign


    Antiochus’s Ambitions Unravel

    Antiochus, having aligned with Philip solely for Egypt, sought to revive old Seleucid claims in Ionia and Thrace. To appease Rhodes, he ceded the Carian coastline. His eastern conquests, blinding his court to the state’s weaknesses, led to comparisons with Alexander. When he occupied a Thracian sliver, Rome, viewing it as a potential European invasion, declared war (192). Antiochus, pre-empting Rome The Rise of the Parthians, responded to an Aetolian League invitation, sending troops to Greece in the same year.

    Roman Triumph and Seleucid Decline

    Rome swiftly expelled Antiochus from Greece, securing a decisive victory at Magnesia (190). While Rome claimed no territory, Pergamun and Rhodes received Western Asia Minor. The Seleucid army’s destruction unraveled Antiochus’s life’s work, prompting Atropatene, Parthia, and Armenian states to reject Seleucid authority. Antiochus relinquished war elephants, Hannibal, and most ships, with his sons becoming Roman hostages. Rome consistently exploited opportunities to weaken the Seleucids, leaving them only the Fertile Crescent, Cilicia, and parts of Iran for the next generation.

    Seleucus IV’s Unremarkable Reign

    Seleucus IV’s reign (187-175) passed without significant events. His brother and successor Bulgaria Vacations, Antiochus IV (175-163), shaped by his upbringing as a Roman hostage, prioritized resisting Romans. To unify the nation, he enforced Hellenism and claimed godhood, adopting the title “Epiphanes” or “the appearance of God.” Most subjects embraced this, except the Jews.


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