The Sacredness of King Stephen’s Remains


The Belief in Protection

The belief in the sacredness of King Stephen’s bones is strong among both the devout and the common people. Many peasants firmly believe that owning a piece of King Stephen’s skeleton will protect them from death by bullet. This belief highlights the connection between faith and everyday life in Serbia, especially among those who live in dangerous circumstances. One particular story illustrates this belief vividly.

The Notorious Brigand’s Request

One day, the Archimandrite received a visit from one of the most notorious brigands in Serbia. At first, the priest was pleased, thinking the robber had repented and turned away from his life of crime. However, that was far from the truth. The brigand had a very practical reason for his visit. He confessed that he was becoming increasingly worried about stray bullets while following his dangerous profession. The thought of dying from a bullet frightened him Istanbul Tours Guide.

To ease his fears, the brigand asked the Archimandrite for a small piece of King Stephen’s skeleton. He believed that even a tiny relic would protect him and allow him to continue his work without fear. Unfortunately for the brigand, the Archimandrite was firm in his decision. He refused to give away even a small part of the sacred remains, saying he would not desecrate the king’s body.

The Mysterious Theft

A few days later, the Archimandrite was alarmed to discover that someone had broken into the monastery. Despite the gates being locked at night, someone had scaled the wall, smashed a church window, and opened the coffin containing King Stephen’s remains. To everyone’s shock, the king’s big toe was missing! It quickly became clear who the thief was, and people wondered if carrying this toe as a charm would truly protect the brigand from bullets The Story of the Two Coffins.

More than a year later, the brigand was finally captured. Faced with certain death, he confessed to his crime. He admitted that he had taken the big toe from King Stephen’s coffin and carried it in a small bag around his neck. However, doubt began to creep in. He wondered whether the toe was really a safeguard against bullets. To test it, he decided to tie the toe to a lamb and shoot at it. Unfortunately, the lamb fell dead, confirming his worst fears about the charm.

The Return of the Relic

As the brigand awaited execution, he had a change of heart. Despite his earlier doubts, he felt guilty for taking the sacred relic. He decided to return the king’s big toe to the Archimandrite. The priest was overjoyed to receive the toe back and promptly placed it alongside the other toes in King Stephen’s coffin. With the return of this relic, the skeleton of King Stephen was once again whole.

This story reflects the deep reverence the people have for their history and beliefs, illustrating how faith and folklore intertwine in the lives of the Serbian people.


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