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Balkan Tours 2023

Balkan Tours 2023, the fairy-tale called Balkan tours (this time Balkan tours 2023) continues. Very famous and still an enigma for many, Balkans never stop fascinating people. The characters in the fairy-tale are always...

Balkan Tours 2022

Balkan Tours 2022, when planning your holiday, think about the Balkan peninsula. Consider the exotic destination where you can experience culture, tasty food, adventures. The wide variety of choices to pick from will amaze...

Theoderic barely slapped Inportunus and Theodorus

At any rate, Theoderic barely slapped Inportunus and Theodorus on the wrists, and in 525 the two of them went on a mission from him to the court at Constantinople, side by side with...

Senate and consequently Julius Caesar

A centerpiece for the pomp of empire, it housed meetings of the senate and consequently Julius Caesar was murdered there. Renewed and glorified under Augustus, it boasted a statue of Pompey that had been...

Roman late antiquity

Many aspects of that story pull us into the world of Roman late antiquity: clashing religious practices, legal interference in religion, the brutality of the laws, and the willingness of all parties to believe...

Caunians are aboriginals

“In their customs, however, they differ greatty from the Carians, and not only so, but from any other men.”The Caunians, in my judgment, are aboriginals; but by their own account they came from Crete....

Kul Yusuf Mausoleum

On the way back from the festival, the rain turns into hail for a short time. Pamuk Mountain is surrounded by fog. Then the somewhat clarifies and the clouds are removed and the foggy...

Ascension to Korhan Plateau

We depart for Korhan Plateau. The reason for Agri Mountain festival is the provision of recovery of this region as a touristic resort. Korhan Plateau, which has an average altitude of 2,000 meters, is...

Balkan Tours 2020 2021

Balkan Peninsula has always been one of the attractive and mysterious destinations around the world. With Balkan Tours 2020 – 2021 you have the chance to breathe in the specific,  mysterious air on the Balkans....

Balkan Tours

Balkan tours – adventurous and relaxing journeyBalkan tours – reading books and watching films about Balkan countries is a good start. Thus you get some knowledge and a desire to see. This can make...