

    All will be ready there, and thou shalt have thy pleasure of me, and no one in the world shall know it, and I shall not have acted like a woman of the streets.`” When the page had returned to Setna, he repeated to him all the words that she had said without exception, and he said, “Lo, I am satisfied.” But all who were with Setna began to curse.

    Setna caused a boat to be fetched; he embarked, and delayed not to arrive at Bubastis. He went to the west of the town, until he came to a house that was very high; it had a wall all round it, it had a garden on the north side, there was a flight of steps in front of it. Setna inquired saying. “Whose is this house?” They said to him, “It is the house of Tbubui.”

    Setna entered the grounds, and he marveled at the pavilion situated in the garden while they told Tbubui; she came down, she took the hand of Setna, and she said to him, “By my life the journey to the house of the priest of Bastit, lady of Ankhutaui, at which thou art arrived, is very pleasant to me. Come up with me.” Setna went up by the stairway of the house with Tbubui. He found the upper story of the house sanded and powdered with sand and powder of real lapis lazuli and real turquoise.

    Setna and Tbubui

    There were several beds there, spread with stuffs of royal linen, and many cups of gold on a stand. They filled a golden cup with wine and placed it in the hand of Setna and Tbubui said to him, “Will it please thee to rest thyself?” He said to her, “That is not what I wish to do.” They put scented wood on the fire, they brought perfumes of the kind that are supplied to Pharaoh, and Setna made a nappy day with Tbubui. “Let us accomplish that for which we have come here.” She said to him, “Thou shalt arrive at thy house, that where thou art.

    However, for me, I am a hierodule, I am no mean person. If thou desires to have thy pleasure of me, thou shalt make me a contract of sustenance, and a contract of money on all the things and all the goods that are thine.” He said to her, “Let the scribe of the school be brought.” He was brought immediately, and Setna caused to be made in favor of Tbubui a contract for maintenance, and he made her in writing a dowry of all the things, all the goods that were his. An hour passed, one came to say this to Setna, and “Thy children are below.” He Raid “Let them be brought up.” Tbubui arose; she put on a robe of fine linen and Setna beheld all her limbs through it, and his desire Increased yet more than before.

    Read More about Neighbor part 2