The Human Telegraph part 1
Boleslav Prus (Alexander Glowacki) (1847-1912)
Alexander Glowacki, known and loved among his people under the pen-name Prus, was born near Lublin in Poland, in 1847....
The Massacre of the Innocents part 8
Roundthe churchyard a multitude gathered in front of a long low green farmhouse. Theproprietor wept bitterly as he stood in his door-way. He was...
The Massacre of the Innocents part 7
Onefamily, who had concealed themselves in the cellar of a large house, stood atthe gratings and wildly lamented, while the father desperately brandished hispitchfork...
The Massacre of the Innocents part 6
Therehad been a kermesse in this house: relatives had come to feast on waffles,hams, and custards. At the sound of the smashing of windows...
The Massacre of the Innocents part 5
Theparishioners inquired of him in undertones, “What does he say? What is he goingto do?” Others, seeing the curt: in the orchard, emerged cautiously...
The Massacre of the Innocents part 4
Theymade their way toward the Golden Sun and knocked at the door. It was openedwith some hesitancy, and the Spaniards entered, warmed themselves before...
The Massacre of the Innocents part 3
Thesisters of the dead woman and various other relatives got into the cart, andthe curt: as well, for he was old and very fat...
The Massacre of the Innocents part 2
Afterdeliberating a long while in the churchyard, they decided to hide in the woodwhich the Spaniards were to come through, attack them if they...
The Massacre of the Innocents part 1
Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949)
MauriceMaeterlinck was born at Ghent in 1862. He studied for the law, but left forParis after a short career as a lawyer....
Cross Forest mystical Bulgaria Destination
Krastova Gora (the Cross Forest), one of many mystical Bulgaria destinations
Bulgaria Destinations Day 1
First day of your customized tours Bulgaria . Firstly, we will...