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Tag: Ionian Revolution

Ionian Revolution


Navigating the Skies with Thales of Miletus


In the early migrations around 11th century BCE, many Greeks settled along the Turkish coast, engaging in cultural exchanges with neighboring civilizations like the Lydians and Persians. This mingling, detailed by Herodotus (Hdt.1.142) and Strabo (14.1.7), laid the groundwork for the Ionian Revolution. Ionian scholars, connected with both western relatives and maritime cultures such as Egypt, initiated a transformative shift in their understanding of the cosmos. By the sixth century BCE Celestial Views in Ancient Greece, they explored the idea that the universe operated on physical, mechanical principles rather than relying solely on divine whims.

Thales of Miletus (c. 585 BCE): Pioneer in Astronomy

Thales, often hailed as the first philosopher, contributed significantly to early Greek astronomy. While sources about him are limited, he gained f

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