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The Massacre of the Innocents part 6

Therehad been a kermesse in this house: relatives had come to feast on waffles,hams, and custards. At the sound of the smashing of windows they crouchedtogether behind the table, still laden with jugs and...

The Massacre of the Innocents part 5

Theparishioners inquired of him in undertones, “What does he say? What is he goingto do?” Others, seeing the curt: in the orchard, emerged cautiously from theirhuts, and women hastily came near and whispered in...

The Massacre of the Innocents part 4

Theymade their way toward the Golden Sun and knocked at the door. It was openedwith some hesitancy, and the Spaniards entered, warmed themselves before thefire, and demanded ale. They then left the inn, taking...

The Massacre of the Innocents part 3

Thesisters of the dead woman and various other relatives got into the cart, andthe curt: as well, for he was old and very fat and could walk only with thegreatest difficulty. They drove off...

The Massacre of the Innocents part 2

Afterdeliberating a long while in the churchyard, they decided to hide in the woodwhich the Spaniards were to come through, attack them if they were not toonumerous, and recover Petrus Krayer`s cattle and any...

The Massacre of the Innocents part 1

Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949)MauriceMaeterlinck was born at Ghent in 1862. He studied for the law, but left forParis after a short career as a lawyer. In Paris he became acquainted withseveral writers who exercised considerable...

Cross Forest mystical Bulgaria Destination

Krastova Gora (the Cross Forest), one of many mystical Bulgaria destinationsBulgaria Destinations Day 1First day of your customized tours Bulgaria . Firstly, we will travel to one of Bulgaria destinations, Panagyurishte, where we will go...

Bulgarian Monasteries

Customized Tours Bulgaria Day 1Let your customized tours Bulgaria start. On that first day of tours Bulgaria we travel to the Rila Monastery. It is not far from the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, which...

Bulgaria Vacations

Khans, Tzars, Orpheus, Spartacus, Thracians, Levski, Botev … All of them start with capital `B` for Bulgaria. These are also the places that you can see on your Bulgaria vacations.Bulgaria is the Thracians –...

Bulgaria trips

Since antiquity different tribes and peoples have inhabited the territory of Bulgaria. The country`s many ancient settlements and burial mounds are a proof of that. Present-day Bulgaria was also a cradle of some of...

Stoletov Bulgaria Tours


Neighbor part 3


The Apostle Paul