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North Koptos

“He turned to the haven, and sailed down, and delayed not in the north of Koptos. When he was come to the place where...

Neighbor part 4

Husband! He had never thought of that. Suddenly a cold sweat appeared on his brow. He went out and roamed until dawn around the...

Neighbor part 3

“Be righteous, Pero, not being successful as a soldier. Even be a laborer, but remain honest as all your ancestors. Here is a revolver...

Travel Bulgaria

A temptation to travel Bulgaria to see the Monastery and its unique architecture Travel Bulgaria – The Rila Monastery – unity of spirituality, culture and nature… The...

Bulgaria private tours Kazanlak

Bulgaria private tours Kazanlak – Twelve happy and lovely Dutch people (six couples and twelve friends) left The Netherlands to visit my beautiful and...

Neighbor part 2

From the huge yard, transformed into a garden, was wafted an agreeable breeze. A canary was heard singing from a nearby window, and elsewhere...

Neighbor part 1

Croatian Antun Gustav Matos – (1873-1914) Antun Gustav Matos was the son of a village schoolmaster. Shortly after his birth he was taken to Zagreb, where...

Bulgaria Private Tour

Make your Bulgaria private tour a way of living Bulgaria private tour – Although Bulgaria is a small country, it offers many places to see...

Importance of Anatolia

Importance of Anatolia and Yalvac in the Development of Religions Anatolia`s generous heart and warm embrace were the tolerant setting for historical events related to...



The Vampire part 3