Hope Egypt
Hope for Egypt: Dream or Reality?
Don the theme, Dream or Reality? International Book Fair welcoming bibliophiles this month. And Egypt is the guest of...
Jamana Marmalade
Let`s start the day sweetly
Jamana marmalade, the best way to preserve fruit and vegetables out of season, are an indispensable part of Turkish breakfast....
Temple Ptah
Then Setna went to the King, and told him everything that had hap to him with the book. And the King said to Setna,...
North Koptos
“He turned to the haven, and sailed down, and delayed not in the north of Koptos. When he was come to the place where...
The Easter Torch Part 8
The trap was ingeniously contrived: a long rope fastened round a block of wood; lengthwise, at the place where the sawn panel had dis-appeared,...
The Easter Torch Part 7
In a few moments, this same gimlet would cause the destruction of Leiba and his domestic hearth. The two executioners would hold the victim...
The Easter Torch Part 6
His throat was parched. He was thirsty. He washed a small glass in a three-legged tub by the side of the bar and tried...
The Easter Torch Part 5
Then he had passed under the portico, and had listened at the top of the stone steps by the door which was secured with...
The Easter Torch Part 4
What followed must have undoubtedly filled the driver with respect. The young passengers were two students, one of philosophy, the other of medicine; they...